Healing involves three facets: mind-body-spirit.
ANNWYN specialises in healing and mentoring the bereaved.
ANNWYN holds a unique ability to quickly access the energy pathways of grief, which often sit hidden behind other presenting issues, as well as grief itself. Having experienced and healed grief herself, she can bring the necessary vibrational frequencies to the surface - in order to restore balance to these energies. This is usually achieved with a blend of storytelling (as little or as much as her client wants) mentoring and sound healing through voice: toning, light language, song.
“I had a beautiful and enlightening session with Annwyn. Her kind and loving presence allows for the wisdom to flow, bringing the insights and clarity I needed. I felt more joyful, lighter and confident after receiving her guidance. The uncomfortable feelings that were stirred inside have settled since I’ve adopted the perspectives she shared with me. Life is fun! Thank you so much, Annwyn for shining your Light. We all benefit from it.”
Mila, NZ, 2023
"Thank you Annwyn. A whole new life began unfolding two years ago, but my path has only lit up bright as day over the last several months. I have to tell you that I believe the turning point started with my "pilgrimage" to Mount Shasta with you. You opened my eyes and my heart, encouraging me to embrace all with love and compassion.”
Tina Hertzog, USA

Healing involves three facets: mind-body-spirit.
Many, if not all, presenting unwellness relate to unresolved events from earlier periods in our life, and even previous lifetimes. These unresolved events are stored in the blueprint of our cellular and/or soul memories as energies with specific vibrational energies. These energies lack balance and harmony, because they occurred at times of trauma.
When our soul directs us to restore balance and harmony to these old energies, we often sustain an injury or create an illness to bring this to our attention. These events are often referred to as karmic events, but regardless of how we perceive them, the key lies with restoring balance to the energies.
Very often our soul begins at spirit level – we may have a dream, an insight, or a nagging sensation we need to address something we have been avoiding.
Failing action, the issue may beg our attention with thoughts replaying in our mind. Specific people or books are brought to our awareness, even songs we keep on hearing. All are messengers and all contain prompts.
At the same time we often experience accompanying emotions that signal something is out of balance. We may feel unexplainably sad, anxious or fearful.
Finally, if still unheeded, the message becomes physical and will show itself in our body.
All of these stages are still about the original event, and the original vibrational frequencies held at the time. Therefore, by working with the energies, we work with the thoughts, emotions and physical symptoms/messages at the same time.
This is why ANNWYN works with an integrated approach of mind-body-spirit, in conscious collaboration with her clients.
The great news is that energy balancing occurs immediately. Following through with relevant entrainment, the client soon notices cyclic thoughts, emotions and actions dissipate. Even physical symptoms can be diminished and released.
To book your 60-minute online session (NZ$120) with Annwyn, either use the PayPal button below or email her for bank accounts details. She will then arrange a time with you.
Remember to subscribe for a 20% discount off your first session (NZ$96)